Digestion, Ulcer treatment, Detox & strengthening immunity
- Eye health – Zeaxanthin and rutin prevent ultraviolet rays from reaching the retina
- Digestion & Ulcers
- Improving the Heart function – helps producing red blood cells, improve circulatory system
- Removing toxins from the body
- Reduce unhealthy cholesterol & uric acid levels – contains high amount of sulfur (gives distinctive aroma of purple cabbage)
- Strengthening immunity with high amount of vitamin C.
- Insomnia (lactcoprin – sedatives/cough med)
- Diabetes with natural insulin
- Bone health with vitamin K
Originated in the Mediterranean region in 2,500 BCE.
Rich in vitamins & minerals (C & E)
- Antioxidant/ anticancer
- Analgesic effect for Kidney pain, arthritis, rheumatism, general pain, inflammation during breastfeeding
- Antimalaria
- 216 mg of potassium in 1 cup of red cabbage juice (potassium prevents heart stress/ contraction)
- Those with medications for cardiovascular disorders, hypertension, cerebral infarction
- Raffinose contained in purple cabbage can cause abdominal distension
- Those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome